Here is a picture to represent the two minute period of time I didn't have my eye on Kohen and he decided to very randomly move my trash can, then move my kitchen chair over to the counter where the trash can was, grab the bunch of bananas and smush them into the carpet (actually he likes to snap them in half to open them because that's what Stuart does and I think he just got a little carried away). AND he decided to pee his pants taboot when he has been so good about potty training. Then proceed to throw a fit when he saw that I saw what he did because he hasn't been getting enough sleep....etc.
In Sunday School today we got on the topic briefly about how we tend to only blog the good stuff. I am totally like that! (Although sometimes I can't help but add in a little negative although I try to resist) But over all I only blog the "good moments" because
1) That's what I want to remember as I look back
2) Lets face it-who is blogging when they are trying to avoid ripping out their hair?! Haha
We all have those moments...many of them...where you are just surviving the moment.
But when/if I get "me" time, I blog. Partly because I feel like I constantly need to be doing something somewhat productive but also because it helps me vent in a way and remember the good parts of the day/week.
I am completely honest when I say I am obsessed with Kohen (if you couldn't tell) but let me assure you, I definitely have those, "Oh Bananas" moments. :)
We've had this happen in our home, just with eggs and pancake flour. He was "making breakfast."