Friday, September 2, 2011

Friends "Goodbye BBQ"

JUNE 2011
"Goodbye Bbq"

We have loved this ward and the friends we've made. Unfortunately we've already lost two families to dental and medical school.
But we decided to have one more get together before they left.

Kim-Leann- Hailey

The girls
Kim-Hailey (and Max)-Leann-Tiffany(and baby girl on the way)-Amy-Me (and Kohen)

Some of the guys
(Stuart/Kohen, Zach/Addie, Kyle/Max, Steve/Brennan)

They have a system going on....

Kohen steals from Max and gives to Addie....

...and Addie and Brennan scrounge for ones Max drops
Look at Max haha "They ate all my puffs"

"Cool chair there Brennan"
Oh would he LOVE a yard to run around in or what?!

"This is fun Mom. You should come in!"

We couldn't tell who was having more fun. The dad's were so cute with the babies!


Kyle and Max

Brad and Kade

Kohen's first time in a pool. He loved it!

Some of the moms

Steven and Brennan

Zach and Addie
(The token girl)

SO worth all of us mom's acting silly to get their attention!
(Addie, Kohen, Max, & Brennan. Kade had already gone home.)

Boating Part 2

Is he not the cutest captain or what?!

We decided that it was much easier to keep Kohen IN the boat. We went to the lake this time and the landing we were at was kind of steep and definitely not "1 yr old friendly"
Kohen loved the wind in his hair and cheering for Dadda as he would ski behind us.
I faced my fears once again and actually let someone else hold Kohen on the boat as I skied. It was so cute because when Kohen realized I was in the water he got worried for me. BUT fell asleep shortly after.

He loves the water

Playing with rocks was of course a must as well

Boating Part 1

I faced one of my fears and took Kohen boating. (Since before he was even born I kept having nightmares about him falling out and drowning. I would seriously wake up having panic attacks and was determined to not let him get near water until he could at least wear a life jacket. Even then I was still super nervous!)
BUT it went well and now I'm bummed we only went boating twice this summer.
This particular trip was on the river.

Trying on my life jacket

Let's get this party started Mom!

As much as he loved playing with the ball and dog....he LOVES water and would be-line to it!
He's fearless (which is scary for a parent...not to mention exhausting chasing after this lil guy who never stops running)

I love his chubs. (Unfortunately he probably won't outgrow them if he takes after me).
But he didn't seem to mind the life jacket.

Whenever the boat was moving he was usually like this. I sure hope he wasn't feeling motion sick (another bad trait from me)

Ignore the funky swim suit. He has some cooler ones haha but this one covers him most.
This picture makes me smile because he gets this look when he's squealing of excitement and ready to take off.