Friday, March 25, 2011

Poop Happens

Yep. So I had just changed Kohen's diaper and was letting him air dry for a couple minutes when all of the sudden I hear him grunt. OH NO! Yep. Here comes a slimy trail of poop squirting out. Panicking I stick my hand under and catch it before it hits the ground. Now I know what poop feels like first hand. Nice and fresh. It's all over one of my hands as I try to tackle him and lay him on a blanket that (thank goodness) was laying there. As the wrestling match progresses we now have poop on my hand, his shirt, his arm, my leg, the carpet, the blanket, ... basically everywhere.
The happy ending was that we did eventually get it all cleaned off of us( including the crevices of my ring- like I'm not a germ freak already and have enough things that gross me out haha)
Moral of the more air drying or being nice and letting him be free for even a minute.