Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer Vacation 2012 Part 4: Fun at Grandma and Papa Rawlins

Kohen loves to visit Grandma and Papa Rawlins.
There's always lots of toys,
a big TV with a remote and more than a couple channels,
a snack cupboard that he never forgets and is not shy at helping himself to,
the kitty or as he calls it "meow"
a yard complete with swing set, play house, pool and basketball court,
lots of run around room....and boy does he love to run and get chased,
and of course lots and lots of love and attention.

 Wrestling with Papa, playing with Uncle Ben, jumping on the trampoline, running like crazy and of course playing the piano.

 Kohen likes going upstairs to go explore the rooms. 
This trip he ventured into the boy's old room and found the whack a mole game.
He and Grandma cuddled since they both weren't feeling well at one point.

 Kohen conked out. Kohen being silly and having fun.
But that poor little boy in the tent was having stomach/bathroom issues if you know what I mean and wanted privacy so he kept hiding in the tent but would peek out periodically to make sure no one was looking. 

 Grandma pulled out the play dough and would make different animals and things for Kohen. It was funny to see his reactions to some of them.

 Kohen had so much fun playing with Auntie Krista and Uncle Ben. He kept pulling Krista into the living room to play the piano ten times a day or play with her disco lights.
And Uncle Ben would chase him and make him laugh. 

Did I mention he loves attention and someone else to play with besides Mommy.

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