Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Since we have been desperately trying to save some money up we decided to once again hold off on a gift for each other and do small things instead to show our love for Valentines Day.

We had made some cookies for our a family in our ward but I decided to surprise Stuart with some extras when he got home from work.

Valentines morning I woke up to this :)
What really meant a lot was the fact that Stuart works 12 hour shifts at night on the weekends, comes home early (5:30ish) on Monday mornings and gets maybe a couple hours of sleep before heading to school for another 7 hours. (Not to mention doesn't get much sleep on weekends to begin with) So the fact that he took some of his precious time to make this for me was so incredibly nice of him.

Because he works so hard I like to make his "lunches" for him and since I knew he had a long couple days ahead of him I packed a special treat in his lunch Sunday.
(Chocolate dipped strawberries and chocolate dipped banana with coconut)
And then there's just Kohen.....sweet as can be
The BEST "gift" of all

I'm so grateful for the loves of my life and all that they do for me. It's the small (silly) little things we all do for each other that really matter the most and make your day.

I LOVE you Stuart and Kohen!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I feel for you Nicole! Bart and I did the whole full time work/full time school thing for 5 years and it was not easy!! And in my opinion, I'd rather have the small, meaning-full things than a nice gift any day!! :) Love you guys!! xoxo
