Wednesday, February 2, 2011

6 months

Every two months I like to take pictures of Kohen in his true perfectly plumpness and compare how many more chubs he's gotten. It was a little more difficult this time seeing as he's always on the move and was a little fussy today (teething..poor guy).
Kohen @ 6 months

Check out my cool hair :)

Enough pictures Mom

On the move

(I'm trying to take my diaper off) :(



  1. I am so so so excited you started this blog so that I can FINALLY keep up with your sweet family and the ADORABLE Kohen!

  2. Nicole!! You have a blog!! Saw your link on FB and was so excited! :)

  3. Yeah the "Mormon Mom" side of me is coming out :) ....and I was avoiding unpacking.
