Monday, January 31, 2011


I've liked to pull myself up and check stuff out

Yell at someone until they pay attention to me and then I show them my tricks

(I don't have a picture for this one)

I insist on mom holding me while I keep a hold of the cart and help push

Eat things I shouldn't

And NOT like eating things like baby food (YOU a picky eater...who knew)

Look cute while making a messChillaxFall asleep while continuing to grip my toys

Help Mommy pack (Don't forget me Mom) Help Mommy unpack

Yep I'm quite the busy body but I love making Mommy and Daddy's day

What's behind door # 3

So one of my new years resolutions is to crack down on all my blogging and here it is. I've decided to start with a blog on one of my excuses for not blogging... moving. In the last ten months we've become almost professional movers.

To start out we moved from Boise......

............ to Clarkston, WA..........

........ to Lewiston, ID.

Despite all the hard work of moving I have become a fan of change and being able to rearrange and decorate a new space. Since I have plenty of catching up to do I've decided to mention briefly my favorite things from each place. In Boise I had a nice big kitchen (sure miss that now), and my teal wall I painted to add some color and a touch of me. Stuart and I loved how close we were to everything. We'd spend a lot of our free time enjoying the beautiful parks, bike path, zoo, tennis courts, and whatever else that was in walking distance. We actually really liked Boise for it's great mix of "city" and "outdoorsiness" and lots of things to do for families. We made lots of great friends while there and were bummed to leave.

BUT Stuart got a better job offer up north that would allow me to be able to be home with Kohen. So of course we went :) In Clarkston we arrived just in time for our baby boy to arrive. Since Stuart had to move up before me he actually picked the house out himself and I think he did a great job! He knew my requirements: nice and light, dishwasher and room for a washer and dryer. Definitely necessities. Although spiders were an issue and I am now officially an arachnophobian I did have my things I loved about it.
The 50's pie window I call it. The house had these red curtains and I decided to keep them since it totally reminded me of a 50's/60's house where the mom bakes a pie or something and lets in sit in the window seal. Goofy but I found it enjoyable looking out the window as I did dishes. The "laundry room" was sort of attached as well so it had this nice, light, "laundry fresh" feel to it. Like on laundry commercials where a light breeze is coming in and ...well you get the picture.
It was a tiny kitchen but I loved the way my dishes looked in the cupboard. Who doesn't like nice, clean, and organized looking dishes?

And of course this is the home that we brought our sweet baby boy home to. (My little sister took this picture of Kohen the day we brought him home and I think it's the cutest thing. He had lost some weight here obviously).
And that brings us to our apartment now (even though I don't have any pictures yet). It's nice and light, I have a walk in closet, (it's cheaper), there are lots of families and we have a great ward!
Seeing as we're in "nomad" phase for the next decade I'm sure we'll have a few more moves to look forward to.