Sunday, February 26, 2012

Big Boy Bed

Kohen started trying to climb out of his crib before he could even walk. He would stand in his crib and on the bumper pad and hoist his little tummy onto the rail. It scared us half to death and so we lowered his mattress to the lowest level. It solved our problem until he was a little over a year. Periodically he'd climb out. But a little over a month ago it became impossible to keep him in his bed. He'd swing his little leg over and climb out before we could even shut the door. I was hesitant to make the transition to a big boy bed because I knew I'd be the one fighting this battle with Kohen.
But Stuart immediately grabbed his tools (and so did Kohen) and they started working away.

Kohen's always been quite the helper but it was nice to sit back
and watch him "help" someone else. He was so cute hammering and
screwing away.

He got a kick out of his bed and would jump on and off and all over it.
We had to sing the "No more monkeys jumping on the bed" song several times to remind him he could get a bonk on his head too. :)

I love how in these pictures you can see him slowing down and checking it out like "hmm"

Luckily for us he seems to associate his bed as a positive thing probably more now than ever. And although it's been hit and miss, he generally sleeps better in his "big boy bed" than he ever did when it was still the crib.

(These photos are uploaded from my phone. Sorry about the blur)
He decided to chill in bed and munch on some cheerios while I cleaned his room one morning.

This is such a sweet age where they still have so much sweet babyness in them
but can express it to you like a "big boy"

Another funny sleep position to add to the collection.