This Easter was a little different but we were able to spend it in Kamiah with Stuart's family. Stuart worked until about 5:30 that morning but luckily didn't have to work that night. Stuart's stake was having a conference (we're all in the same stake) that was being broadcast at 9 am! So when Stuart got home from work we all got ready, loaded up and drove to Kamiah. I was bummed because I wanted to have a nice family photo but by the time we got to Kamiah and got home after conference my hair was long gone and Kohen had slimed himself. Oh well.

Stuart's family had set up an Easter egg hunt. I was so excited because I wasn't going to do one for Kohen since I wasn't sure if he'd really catch on. But I have to admit he did great with the help of Nanny and Grandpa.
First he opened his Easter basket with Nanny and Auntie Marta.

Took pictures with Grandpa.
They were matching with their suits and blue ties.

And off we go.

He did really well at picking up the eggs and putting them in the baskets......

...... until Grandpa showed him how cool they are when they shake.

Then he didn't want to let go :)

We made a quick visit to see Great Grandma and Grandpa Rupp

I know...bad mom award. But we took the four wheeler to go visit Great G&G since the likelihood of me tripping down the hill was greater than him falling while I held him with a death grip and drove 5mph. He loved it of course.

All in all it was a fun trip and a great Easter!